Messy In The Middle: Podcast for Realtors
Welcome to the Messy In the Middle, The Podcast. We are two real estate agents from two different coast, working to improve and grow. We believe you can have a thriving business, and live a balanced life. Your journey from ideas to implementation begins now.
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Mid Summer Party
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
In this episode of the Messy in the Middle, Ed Billings and Jefi Moultrie share creative ideas for summertime parties. They discuss why it is crucial to create exclusive parties for your clients and how to find the right venue no matter the time of year. They also talk about how you can include a charitable component to benefit an organization in your events.
“I would encourage you all to brainstorm and see how you can connect the dots in your spheres of influence and the things you are interested in. You will be surprised what comes up. ” -Ed Billings [10:31]
“This is a deep dive for us and we are committed. We are going in knowing we are gonna love on these people and make them feel special.” -Jefi Moultrie [04:41]
[00:20] Intro
[01:50] Party ideas
[05:00] Creating exclusive invitations
[06:38] Finding the right venue
[07:23] Charitable component
[11:30] Outro
The Peak Experience
The U.S. Housing Market Has Peaked
Why Rising Mortgage Rates Push Buyers off the Fence
The One Thing Every Homeowner Needs To Know About a Recession
Messy in the Middle:
Ed Billings:
Jefi Moultrie:
Monday Jun 06, 2022
The Market Has Peaked
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
In this episode of the Messy in the Middle, hosts Ed Billings and Jefi Moultrie discuss how the current real estate market has peaked. They talk about the key factors that are causing this peak to educate sellers and buyers on how to prepare for the next phase.
“It’s not the sky is falling. We’re not going back to 2008, and that’s something really important to tell your clients.” -Ed Billings [11:45]
“You need to have a really good plan. You need to go back to the basics of being an A+ agent.” -Jefi Moultrie [17:34]
[00:00] Intro
[01:17] The housing market has peaked
[04:37] Key factors at play
[08:04] Interest rates increase
[12:31] The stock market decreasing
[14:25] Watch your inventory
[20:14] Outro
The Peak Experience
The U.S. Housing Market Has Peaked
Why Rising Mortgage Rates Push Buyers off the Fence
The One Thing Every Homeowner Needs To Know About a Recession
Messy in the Middle:
Ed Billings:
Jefi Moultrie:
Monday May 23, 2022
Vacation Is All I Ever Wanted
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
In this episode of the Messy in the Middle, hosts Ed Billings and Jefi Moultrie talk about taking time off. They share tips and tricks on how to completely detach and what they can look like through their personal experiences.
“Having a team that has your back, that has systems in place, so that you can detach is how you make it happen.” -Jefi Moultrie [04:41]
“When people start to not live in the moment, they lose their confidence. They start worrying about things that are way down the line and outside of their control.” -Ed Billings [13:33]
[00:00] Intro
[03:11] How Jefi detached during vacation
[08:06] Ways to prep
[10:33] Live in the moment
[19:05] Believe that you can
[25:07] We’re the calm leader
[26:42] Cross those bridges when you get there
[29:08] Outro
Vacation by The Go-Go's
Messy in the Middle: Jefi’s Got A Burner
Messy in the Middle:
Ed Billings:
Jefi Moultrie:
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Ten Minute Takedown: Pie Party
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
In this Ten Minute Takedown of the Messy in the Middle, hosts Ed Billings and Jefi Moultrie follow up on their previous episodes about reaching out to clients and what it looks like behind the scenes when planning events. They share event ideas that have been successful, ideas that have gone wrong, and how they like to follow up with their clients in a personal way after events.
“When you express gratitude from your heart with that many people, it just fills you up.” -Ed Billings [10:56]
“I like more in-depth conversation. Small talk isn’t exciting to me. I really like to connect with people more.” -Jefi Moultrie [10:18]
[00:00] Intro
[02:25] Reach out
[05:10] Behind the scenes
[08:44] Wins and "wackadoos"
[12:03] Follow-ups
Messy in the Middle:
Ed Billings:
Jefi Moultrie:
Monday May 16, 2022
Party in the USA
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
In this episode of the Messy in the Middle podcast, hosts Ed Billings and Jefi Moultrie talk about the value of parties and "pop-bys" in growing your business. They discuss why it is important to engage your clients on a personal level and how to put in effort when it comes to planning events for your business. Jefi and Ed share some of the successful events they have hosted in the past and a few behind-the-scenes logistics that help with planning.
“Part of why it is really important (to do pop-bys), is one of the challenges we all face as realtors is that where you are sitting today can be very difficult to see where your business is coming from 90 -120 days out. When you work the referral way, by getting in front of your people letting them know you are still alive, still a realtor and bearing a gift, having that discussion, it is a really powerful way to do it.” -Ed Billings [03:30]
“When you pop by to see someone. You get these little snippets into their lives…
it allows for real beautiful organic conversation. It helps you as their trusted advisor to know what it is that they actually need.” -Jefi Moultrie [08:53]
[00:00] Intro
[03:53] The value of hosting events to grow your business
[05:08] The benefits of events
[08:45] Jefi’s personal story with a client party
[13:30] What happens if nobody shows up to an event?
[21:44] Planning and putting in effort
[25:30] Raffle drawings
[31:45] Budgeting
[33:22] Party ideas
[42:11] Tracking events to know what is working for you
Messy in the Middle:
Ed Billings:
Jefi Moultrie:
Tuesday May 10, 2022
10 Min Take Down: Surplus Baby Status Report
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
In this 10 Minute Takedown of the Messy in the Middle, hosts Ed Billings and Jefi Moultrie follow-up on their previous episodes about dealing with surplus. They share what they are doing to handle the current surplus in their business through three key points.
“You’re going to seek feedback from other folks, and sometimes you’ll get the feedback of ‘No, don’t do that,’ or “Yes, but do that.’ And it can mess with you, but when you seek that silence out and that quietness and your gut is saying, ‘Do it,’ that’s what leadership’s about. And you have to just move it and move forward and explain why you’re doing it.” -Ed Billings [03:38]
“Just do it. You can always go back in and change what you put out there.” -Jefi Moultrie [08:18]
[00:00] Intro
[01:06] What Jefi is doing to overcome surplus
[02:19] Listen to your gut
[04:56] The job description
[08:08] Take action and modify
[09:23] Outro
Messy in the Middle:
Ed Billings:
Jefi Moultrie:
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Surplus, Baby!!
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
In this episode of the Messy in the Middle, hosts Ed Billings and Jefi Moultrie talk about handling surplus in the real estate industry. They discuss three points: what it means to have a surplus, how to identify when you’re in a surplus and how to hire through your surplus.
“Obviously life in real estate right now is surplus. There’s just so much going on, but also on a deeper level, a lot of my relationship clients are coming and saying ‘It’s time to buy. It’s time to sell. It’s time to do whatever,’ and I only have one head and two hands. And so it’s been a lot.” -Jefi Moultrie [01:39]
“In this case on the listing side, it’s like I have my standards of communication I like to hold, and I realized I was unable to do that. And then also like I need to rework systems. Like I’m getting too many notifications from showing times.” -Ed Billings [08:05]
[00:00] Intro
[02:01] Recent experience with surplus
[06:07] The after action
[07:44] What is surplus
[10:39] Hiring through the surplus
[20:25] Indeed profiles
[23:16] Outro
Buffini & Company: Real Estate Coaching & Training
Messy in the Middle:
Ed Billings:
Jefi Moultrie:
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Perils Of Overpricing!
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
In this episode of the Messy in the Middle, hosts Ed Billings and Jefi Moultrie talk about the perils of overpricing listings. In this rapidly rising market, they discuss how they educate a seller on how to develop a winning strategy that doesn’t involve a high list price.
“My famous line is ‘Well, unfortunately, you and I don’t get to decide what your home is going to sell for. The buyer does.’ The buyer is going to tell you what your home’s worth. They might say it’s worth less than you think, and they might say it’s worth more, but you can have a general idea, but that’s about it. At least in this market.” -Jefi Moultrie [05:09]
“Overpriced listings are soul sucking. They’re just costly in time, money and most important, your energy.” -Ed Billings [21:05]
[00:00] Intro
[03:37] What is someone willing to spend?
[06:14] Slightly under value for better pricing
[10:17] Accusation audit
[13:51] When listings stay on too long
[17:57] Communicating with other agents
[20:02] Overpriced listings are costly
[26:12] A pricing nightmare
[31:27] Outro
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss with Tahl Raz
Real Estate Success with Never Split The Difference
Messy in the Middle:
Ed Billings:
Jefi Moultrie:
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
10 Min Takedown: Zero Day!
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
In this 10 minute takedown of the Messy in the Middle, hosts Ed Billings and Jefi Moultrie talk about taking a zero day when you find yourself with some free time.
“I’m a horrible Zero Day taker, so let’s talk about that.” -Jefi Moultrie [05:16]
“This is the kind of business that we’re on all the time and we’re always pushing, and it’s ok to have a little gap and to just take that time for you and to recognize it.” -Ed Billings [06:03]
[00:00] Intro
[00:37] The burner phone
[01:48] Having a zero day
[05:16] How to not fill every moment
[07:01] A challenge: Look for a zero moment
[08:05] Outro
Messy in the Middle:
Ed Billings:
Jefi Moultrie:
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Jefi’s Got A Burner
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
In this episode of the Messy in the Middle, hosts Ed Billings and Jefi Moultrie discuss separating business life from personal life by having two cell phones. Jefi shares how she came to own two phones and how it has helped her with this separation. She also discusses how she implements this and manages the crossover with clients and friends.
“That is kind of the underbelly of everything that has to do with a burner. It’s the time that we need in our profession to be the best that we possibly can by having time to regenerate.” -Jefi Moultrie [18:28]
“If you had a sales job where it wasn’t that way, you would never be blending your personal phone calls with your business. You’d have two separate phones for that, but I think it’s the default for our business is that it’s just blending over.” -Ed Billings [18:58]
[00:00] Intro
[01:26] Meeting at a bar
[03:42] Her dad’s phone number
[07:02] Separating business from personal life
[08:40] How she implemented this
[11:31] Pros and cons
[16:38] It’s freeing
[19:45] Joe got a burner too
[23:43] Weekend use?
[24:36] Ed is getting a burner too
[25:06] Retraining personal relationships
[30:32] Outro
The Peak Experience
Challenged Athletes Foundation
Messy in the Middle:
Ed Billings:
Jefi Moultrie: